Today, I’m so excited to be introducing you to another Passion Project Bootcamp student, Ginny, who just got accepted into Vanderbilt, UC Berkeley, and UCLA (among other schools), and in this episode, she shares how our program helped her gain trust in herself, build her confidence during her college admissions journey, and motivated her to take action towards success.
If you are interested in learning more about our 1-Year Group College Consulting Program, or already know that you want to work with me and my team, go to to learn more!
If you’d like to start off with our free training, you can register here at This is an introductory training (FREE) for you to get a better idea of how I coach my students. You’ll also learn the 3 essential strategies that you must implement to get accepted in your dream colleges!
As always, if you have questions, please reach out to our support team at, and I’d love to connect with you on Instagram – I’m at
- What Ginny’s college journey looked like before starting her Passion Project, and how it ultimately helped her decide which AP classes she wanted to take
- How the Passion Project Bootcamp helped her focus on what really matters when it comes to extracurricular
- What made Ginny decided to invest time and money into the program
- The most impactful things she changed in her college admissions journey once she decided to join the Passion Project Bootcamp
- How Ginny had more success with the Professor Outreach Strategy as opposed to trying to do it on her own
- The mindset shifts she started to see once she joined the program
- Her best advice for other students who are thinking of joining the Passion Project Bootcamp
“You need to showcase what you love, versus trying to get an internship at a random place or doing all those random things out there.”
“Going into `{`the college admissions process`}`, I really had pretty low self-esteem and I wasn’t sure about what I wanted to do, but I gained step-by-step what I needed to do, along with `{`getting`}` more confidence.”
“I think this process should go above and beyond college admissions. You come out of this process with more trust in yourself and what you stand for.”
“Persevering through the struggles is the biggest thing that I learned, and it helped me be more confident than anything else. You learn that through `{`Passion Project Bootcamp.”
- [FREE TRAINING] 3 Essential Steps To Getting Accepted Into Your Dream Ivy League & Top-Tier Colleges
- [PASSION PROJECT BOOTCAMP] Enroll In Our 1-Year Group College Consulting Program!
- [NEXT LEVEL WAITLIST] Our Premier 1-Year Group College Consulting Program – Put Yourself On The Waitlist!
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