Today, I have a very special episode for our Class of 2024 students. Being a Junior is really tough; you have an unforgiving course load, an insane amount of homework, and a lot of added commitments that make it difficult to look ahead and plan for your Senior year. That’s why I wanted to record a comprehensive episode for you detailing 5 of the most important things you must work on right now if you are a Class of 2024 student!
Are you interested in learning more top strategies that will take your college application to the next level? You can start by registering for our Free Training now at to discover 3 strategies to help you stand out & get accepted into your dream Ivy League & Top-tier colleges!
Get ready to open your “Congratulations, You’re Accepted!” letter from your dream college! You can reserve your spot for Passion Project Bootcamp, our 1-year group college consulting program to get you ACCEPTED into your dream college using your passion, strength and potential. Start your journey to your dream college!
As always, if you have questions, please reach out to our support team at Also I’d love to connect with you on Instagram – our new Instagram handle is:
- Why you can’t afford to wait until your Senior year to start working on the college application process!
- The critical role that your unique strategy will play in this process, and the reasons you need to identify both your academic & personal interests!
- How reaching out to professors early on and being authentic & intellectually curious in this process will help aid you on your journey, even if they don’t initially show interest!
- Ways to create a stand-out factor and how this will result in a “domino effect” by building on what you worked on previously!
- Why you’ll want to work on landing a research position that aligns with and supports your academic interest!
- A look at the impact of acceptance rate trends and the importance of building a list of more than one college you’ll want to attend!
“A lot of students actually don’t even have their unique strategies set in place, because they’re so busy doing, doing and doing.”
“If you don’t have any questions for [the college], or you’re not reaching out to them to build that relationship, then I’m not really going to be sold on the idea that you want to go to this college.”
“Unlike anything else, [with] the college admissions process, you only get the one opportunity and one chance to do it right, so you do need to have that stand-out factor.”
“It’s really important to have a college list that you know will give you a lot of security, but at the same time, you do want to be aiming for a lot of your dream colleges as well, because you just never know what could happen.”
- [FREE TRAINING] 3 Essential Steps To Getting Accepted Into Your Dream Ivy League & Top-Tier Colleges
- [PASSION PROJECT BOOTCAMP] Join Our Premier 1-Year Group College Consulting Program To Get Accepted Into Your Dream College!
- [NEXT LEVEL WAITLIST] Our Premier 1-Year Group College Consulting Program Starting January 2023 – Put Yourself On The Waitlist!
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